7 Diseases That French Bulldogs Can Transmit To Humans

Taking care of the health of your dog is important for their happy and cheerful life. However, we are all aware of the fact that sometimes we can’t predict certain conditions and the occurrence of infectious diseases that pets can transmit to their owners. That’s why listed seven diseases that pets can transmit to humans. You’ll find tips on how to recognize them and react if your dog gets infected.

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Rabies in French bulldogs

Rabies is one the most dangerous diseases (it’s caused by the virus). It affects the neurological system and can be deadly for humans and animals. The most common reservoir of rabies are foxes, which transmit the virus to other warm-blooded mammals by biting. Considering its danger to humans and animals, animals with detected rabies should be euthanized.

Annual vaccination against rabies is regulated by law. Although urban (city) rabies has not been recorded for many years, the disease carries too much risk to be taken lightly.

Salmonella in French bulldogs

Salmonella is a disease that is usually transmitted by birds and reptiles. The main cause of the disease is bacteria from the Salmonella family consisting of several species. In order to prevent this disease, vaccination is prescribed for breeding birds. Some of the symptoms that point out to salmonella poisoning are diarrhea, vomiting, and elevated body temperature. Salmonella poisoning can turn out to be fatal for people with a weakened immune system. People and animals are most often infected through salmonellosis through animal foods (most often eggs).

Lyme disease in French bulldogs

Lyme disease is a tick-borne disease. If a tick sucks the blood of an animal infected with borreliosis and then bites a person, the disease will be transmitted. Borrelia is a bacterium. If it is not recognized and treated in time, it causes serious consequences for the body (arthritis, problems with the eyes, and the neurological system). In the early stage, in most cases, a red rash appears at the site of the bite of the infected tick (migratory erythema). It is treated with antibiotics.


Toxoplasmosis is a parasite transmitted by cats. People and dogs can become infected through eggs from cat feces. It is a disease especially dangerous for pregnant women (it can cause miscarriage and fetal hydrocephalus). In immunocompromised people, it can cause meningoencephalitis. To prevent infection, keeping your hands and environment is important.

It can also be transmitted by contaminated raw meat that has been infected with oospores of the parasite. A temperature of 67 C degrees can destroy the parasite. Pregnant women should avoid cleaning cat litter. People who have previously been in contact with cats infected with toxoplasmosis will be more resistant to infection since they’ll develop antibodies.


Helminths (general name for parasites: worms, tapeworms, flukes…) People can often get infected through the feces of dogs and cats, which contain oocysts (invasive form) of the parasite. Oocysts are not visible to the naked eye so that’s why keeping your hands and space clean is important. It can be prevented by regular deworming of your Frenchie (tablets against worms and tapeworms). It is usually manifested by symptoms that affect the digestive system (diarrhea, vomiting). With the prolonged invasion, they can cause anemia in both humans and animals.

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Ringworm in French bulldogs

The most common causes of ringworm on the skin are Microspora and Trichophyton (fungi). The development of infection is favored by moisture, changes in the pH of the skin, and damage to the skin. They cause itchiness, flaky skin, and hair loss. The infection can occur when a person is exposed to the causative agent and comes into contact with a sick animal.

People with weakened immunities are more susceptible to this infection. It spreads through contact with an infected dog and contaminated (infected) objects. The resulting lesions appear as red, round, hairless areas (1-4 cm in diameter). The treatment can last up to several months and if not treated in time, the disease can progress.


Leptospirosis is transmitted by bacteria which is often found in stagnant water. They prefer a humid and warm environment. In animals, leptospirosis often affects the kidneys and is excreted in the urine, through which humans can be infected. It is followed by elevated body temperature, malaise, loss of appetite, and in the later stage, jaundice. It is treated with antibiotics.

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